NTU celebrates its 96th Anniversary
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Physical therapists from the Physical Therapy Center and the Division of Physical Therapy, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at NTUH.
A physical therapist demonstrates how to evaluate flexibility in the World Physical Therapy Day celebration event at NTUH.
A physical therapist demonstrates how to evaluate flexibility.
Physical therapists at NTUH demonstrate how to exercise.
Physical therapists and event participants exercise together.
Physical therapists and event participants celebrate World Physical Therapy Day at NTUH.
September 8 is the Taiwan Physical Therapy Day as well as the World Physical Therapy Day. Physical therapy plays an important role for healthy aging and for better quality of life. The World Confederation for Physical Therapy has launched a "Physical Activity for Life" campaign for this year's World Physical Therapy Day. To celebrate this day, physical therapists in Taiwan have also organized a series of 18 health promotion activities across Taiwan from August 31 to September 14.
The Physical Therapy Day celebration event in National Taiwan University (NTU) was held on September 8 by the Physical Therapy Center and the Division of Physical Therapy of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH). The theme of this year was “Grow Old and Exercise Happily.” In this event, physical therapists at NTUH taught the public how to evaluate their balance performance and how to exercise correctly. More than 50 people joined the event at NTUH.
Meanwhile, other celebration activities and seminars on topics such as exercise guidance, physical education, successful aging, and pain prevention were held around the country. Physical therapists have also worked in communities across the island to provide health promotion services for long-term care. In celebrating this special day, the Taiwan Physical Therapy Association aims to familiarize the public with what physical therapists can do for the community and how to access physical therapy services whenever and wherever is necessary.
For details of the event, please visit the website of the Taiwan Physical Therapy Association at http://www.tpta.org.tw
Contact Person: Ms. Jo-En Chien (jechien.tpta@gmail.com); Dr. Wei-Li Hsu (wlhsu@ntu.edu.tw)
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