NTU celebrates its 96th Anniversary
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[Future Faculty Talk] Developing Core Competencies for Graduate Study: From Literature Review to Criticism and Innovation
The NTU Center for Teaching and Learning Development is inviting Prof. Emeritus Ming-Hui Peng (彭明輝) to give a talk on developing core competencies for graduate study on November 28, 2017. Prof. Peng is going to share with NTU students how to utilize the latest technology and tools to develop critical thinking and come up with effective, innovative strategies and solutions.
To avoid “reinventing the wheel,” Prof. Peng will guide students through the effective process of doing research: (1) develop a solid body of knowledge from previous literature, (2) critically assess the existing research findings and identify the missing gaps or flaws, and (3) improve and innovate the existing models.
Prof. Peng will also focus on the importance of searching, selecting, reading, comparing, analyzing, summarizing, and associating the existing studies and patents to assess a problem from a broader perspective, analyze the factors involved, and identify possibilities and strategies for innovation. In addition, major improvements and breakthroughs in information technologies such as search engines, online databases, and Web 2.0 in the 21st century have also made interdisciplinary research far more accessible and easier.
All students who are interested in pursuing further studies or learning more about doing research are welcome to join us on November 28.
Title: Developing Core Competencies for Graduate Study: From Literature Review to Criticism and Innovation
Time: 18:30–20:30, Tue., November 28, 2017
Venue: R103, Liberal Education Classroom Building
Speaker: Ming-Hui Peng (彭明輝), Professor Emeritus, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University
Link: https://ctld.ntu.edu.tw/fd/reg/details.php?lId=304
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Current Spotlights
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