NTU celebrates its 96th Anniversary
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COVID-19 Precautions during New Year Holiday and before Spring Semester.
The Lunar New Year holiday is just around the corner and will soon be followed by the spring semester. In compliance with the instructions released by the Ministry of Education (MOE) on February 3, 2021, the University is asking all of you to abide by the following pandemic-prevention measures.
As the COVID-19 is still raging, please again be remined to always wear a mask when you go out, wash hands frequently, and keep appropriate social distancing. Be attentive and check if you have the following suspected symptoms: fever, respiratory complications, diarrhea, and abnormality of smell and taste. If you do, please wear a medical mask and immediately seek medical attention at a designated COVID-19 testing hospital near you. Please do not take any public transportation. When in the hospital for treatment, please tell your doctor about your contact history, travel history, potential exposure to the virus due to occupation, as well as people around you who may have similar symptoms. When you return home, you should also wear a medical mask and avoid going out if not necessary.
NTU celebrates its 96th Anniversary
Prof. Tung-Wu Lu elected US National Academy of Kinesiology Fellow
Nobel Laureate Alain Aspect awarded “NTU Honorary Doctorate” and “Raymond Soong Chair Professorship of Distinguished Research”
Newly constructed NTU Humanities Building wins Golden Stone Award
Prof. Pisin Chen Wins 2024 Chandrasekhar Prize
Current Spotlights
NTU celebrates its 96th Anniversary
Prof. Tung-Wu Lu elected US National Academy of Kinesiology Fellow
Nobel Laureate Alain Aspect awarded “NTU Honorary Doctorate” and “Raymond Soong Chair Professorship of Distinguished Research”
Newly constructed NTU Humanities Building wins Golden Stone Award
Prof. Pisin Chen Wins 2024 Chandrasekhar Prize