NTU celebrates its 96th Anniversary
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The College of Public Health Receives Seven-Year CEPH Accreditation.
CEPH assigned four evaluators in September 2022, consisting of two from academic institutions and two from the public health practice field.
CEPH conducted a one-week online evaluation with representatives from the public health school’s administration, faculty, students, and alumni.
The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) is an independent agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit programs and schools of public health. The public health schools of prestigious universities such as Harvard, Yale, and Johns Hopkins have all received accreditation from this organization. NTU’s College of Public Health is the first and only accredited public health institute in Asia, surpassing other countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Singapore.
CEPH was founded in 1974 by the American Public Health Association (APHA) and the Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) to improve the quality of public health education. Its mission is to promote the social function of public health through the collaboration of academic institutions and community organizations in practical, research, and service aspects. Despite being a non-profit organization, many members of its board of directors are professors from well-known American universities and professionals from the public health industry. Moreover, CEPH is formally recognized by the US Department of Education, thus it remains credible and authoritative in international public health education accreditation.
In order to proactively face the new challenges of public health education in the 21st century, NTU’s College of Public Health began planning to participate in CEPH accreditation since 2006. In 2013, the College officially submitted the accreditation application and was first accredited in 2017, obtaining a 5-year accreditation period.
CEPH accreditation is granted for 3, 5, or 7 years, and the fact that the College of Public Health at NTU has received the longest 7-year accreditation indicates that its teaching, research, and service have been highly recognized, reaching the level of top international schools. This is a great affirmation and benefit for the internationalization of the College of Public Health and the future career prospects of its graduates.
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Current Spotlights
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