NTU celebrates its 96th Anniversary
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Statement from National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University adheres to the spirit and requirements of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights conventions, especially the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). We support the principles that every individual should be treated with respect and equality and strongly oppose all forms of discrimination. We are committed to creating a diverse, equal, and harmonious campus environment. In light of recent incidents involving discrimination on campus, we issue the following statement:
We deeply regret and take full responsibility for the recent incidents of discriminatory remarks on our campus, which have not only caused harm to members of our NTU community but also garnered attention and had an impact on the general public. The preservation of human dignity and the protection of human rights are core values of a democratic society. We emphasize that any form of discrimination that violates human rights values and relevant laws, whether intentional or made in jest, is unacceptable. While we support the value of freedom of speech, it does not imply that speech can freely offend or harm the diverse ethnic groups in our society. Freedom of speech should not encompass hate speech or discriminatory remarks, and freedom and equality should be given equal importance.
A university is an educational institution and an important environment for nurturing talents in Taiwanese society. Education encompasses not only professional knowledge but also fundamental humanistic literacy and human rights values. In order to establish a friendly campus environment and practice zero tolerance towards discrimination, the University will initiate the establishment of a relevant committee and invite participation from faculty and students to plan and implement measures that actively safeguard the rights of NTU faculty, staff, and students against discrimination.
We express gratitude to all individuals and groups who have shown concern for the incident of discriminatory remarks. Respect for and promotion of diversity values cannot wait. We once again express regret and self-blame for the occurrence of discriminatory remarks on campus. We will actively implement the aforementioned measures and promises, providing assistance to students while respecting their autonomy, and working together with faculty and students to create a campus environment that is inclusive, diverse, friendly, and free from discrimination. We aim to safeguard the rights of every individual to a life with dignity.
NTU celebrates its 96th Anniversary
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Current Spotlights
NTU celebrates its 96th Anniversary
Prof. Tung-Wu Lu elected US National Academy of Kinesiology Fellow
Nobel Laureate Alain Aspect awarded “NTU Honorary Doctorate” and “Raymond Soong Chair Professorship of Distinguished Research”
Newly constructed NTU Humanities Building wins Golden Stone Award
Prof. Pisin Chen Wins 2024 Chandrasekhar Prize