NTU celebrates its 96th Anniversary
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The unveiling ceremony of the art museum. From right to left: NTU President Wen-Chang Chen (陳文章), National Palace Museum Director Tsung-Huang Hsiao (蕭宗煌), Dean of the NTU College of Liberal Arts Mu-Hsuan Huang (黃慕萱), Deputy General Director of the NTU Museums Jer-Ming Hu (胡哲明), CEO of the Chien Kuo Foundation For Arts And Culture Huang -Wei Hsiao (黃曉薇), and Director of the Graduate Institute of Art History at NTU Hui-Wen Lu (盧慧紋). Calligrapher of the inaugurated Museum’s title plaque is former Deputy Director of the National Palace Museum Chuan-Hsin Ho (何傳馨).
Prof. Ming-Liang Hsieh (right) and President Chen (left) attentively appreciates the cultural artifacts.
“Terracotta Horse” from Eastern Han Dynasty.
A scene inside the Art Museum.
“Stone Carved Warrior” from Southern Song Dynasty.
After three years of preparation, the Art Museum of the Graduate Institute of Art History was officially inaugurated on May 31. Following the joint effort of NTU President Wen-Chang Chen (陳文章), National Palace Museum Director Tsung-Huang Hsiao (蕭宗煌), Dean of the NTU College of Liberal Arts Mu-Hsuan Huang (黃慕萱), Deputy General Director of the NTU Museums Jer-Ming Hu (胡哲明), CEO of the Chien Kuo Foundation For Arts And Culture Huang -Wei Hsiao (黃曉薇), and Director of the Graduate Institute of Art History at NTU Hui-Wen Lu (盧慧紋), the red curtain was pulled down to unveil the establishment of the Art History Museum. The event was attended by notable figures such as the founding director of the Graduate Institute of Art History, Academician Shou-chien Shih (石守謙), General-affairs Deputy Director Pei-Chin Yu (余佩瑾), and former Deputy Director of the National Palace Museum and calligrapher of the inaugurated Museum’s title plaque Chuan-Hsin Ho (何傳馨), along with more than 30 distinguished guests.
President Chen stated that recently, AI and ChatGPT have become very popular, but the aesthetic sense of humans towards people, things, objects, and nature can never be replaced by artificial intelligence. The establishment of this Art Museum represents the beginning of promoting humanistic aesthetic education. It is expected that the Museum will significantly enhance the teaching and research of art history, expand exchanges with domestic and international art museums, and provide a platform for interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary collaborations. At the same time, it will serve as a place for art education for all faculty and students in the University, becoming a shared space for students, faculty, and art enthusiasts alike.
The opening special exhibition of the Art Museum, titled “Endless Joy—Donated Han Dynasty Pottery Collection,” was curated by Distinguished Prof. Ming-Liang Hsieh (謝明良) of the Graduate Institute of Art History, together with students. The exhibited artworks were generously contributed by collectors Chien-Hsing Chang (章建行) and Yueh-Kuei Li (李月桂). The exhibition received generous sponsorship from the Chien Kuo Foundation For Arts And Culture and was facilitated by the transfer of 17 display cases from the National Palace Museum.
Director Lu pointed out that the NTU Graduate Institute of Art History is highly renowned in the domestic and international academic community. In addition to valuing the observation and understanding of art objects in their physical form, the institute also emphasizes rigorous research and practical application. The notion of practical application refers to implementing meticulous academic research in exhibition curation.
In the past, the institute’s faculty members have led students in organizing nearly 10 thematic research exhibitions, which have been showcased in various spaces such as NTU Main Library and public art museums, receiving widespread acclaim. The Art Museum not only stems from these principles but also strives to advance these goals.
The “Endless Joy—Donated Han Dynasty Pottery Collection” exhibition starts from today until August 19, 2023. The opening hours are from 10 AM to 4 PM every Wednesday and Saturday. Additionally, guided tours of approximately 40 minutes will be available every Saturday afternoon starting at 2 PM. Visitors are welcome to participate.
Please note that for the most accurate and up-to-date information on opening hours, it is advisable to refer to the official website: https://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~artcy/index.html.
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