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Kenjiro Den, the Japanese Governor-General of Taiwan, proposes the establishment of an Imperial University in Taipei.
Takio Izawa, the Japanese Governor-General of Taiwan, officially allocates the "Preliminary Budget for the Imperial University" with the objective of establishing a comprehensive institution. Dr. Taira Shidehara was placed in charge of the preparatory work, in which he was assisted by Dr. Kintaro Oshima, the Principal of the Taihoku Senior School of Agriculture and Forestry.
Feb. 25》 Japanese Prime Minister Giichi Tanaka presents the bill of the "Establishment of the Taiwan Imperial University" to the Cabinet.
Mar. 16》 The Japanese Government passes the bill for the establishment of the Taihoku Imperial University (TIU), which went into effect on March 17. Dr. Taira Shidehara was appointed the first president. The university was located on the grounds of the Taihoku Senior School of Agriculture and Forestry, which has since become the main campus of NTU. The first to be set up were the Faculties of Literature and Politics and Science and Agriculture, as well as the affiliated Technical College of Agriculture and Forestry to replace the former Senior School of Agriculture and Forestry.
Apr. 30》 The first freshman class takes oath at a swearing-in ceremony.
Feb. 25》 Japanese Prime Minister Giichi Tanaka presents the bill of the "Establishment of the Taiwan Imperial University" to the Cabinet.
Mar. 16》 The Japanese Government passes the bill for the establishment of the Taihoku Imperial University (TIU), which went into effect on March 17. Dr. Taira Shidehara was appointed the first president. The university was located on the grounds of the Taihoku Senior School of Agriculture and Forestry, which has since become the main campus of NTU. The first to be set up were the Faculties of Literature and Politics and Science and Agriculture, as well as the affiliated Technical College of Agriculture and Forestry to replace the former Senior School of Agriculture and Forestry.
Apr. 30》 The first freshman class takes oath at a swearing-in ceremony.
Mar. 25》 A joint commencement exercise was held for the first-year TIU graduates and the third-year graduates of the Technical College of Agriculture & Forestry. The Faculty of Literature and Politics graduated 14 students (four in Literature and ten in Politics), while the Faculty of Science and Agriculture graduated 32 (six in Science and 26 in Agriculture). Among them, only five graduates were Taiwanese, includng Seth Mackay Ko (History), De-Jyun Jhong (Politics), Ching-chung Hsu (Agriculture), Sing-wun Liu (Agriculture), and Yu-ze Cai (Agriculture).
Dec. 26》 Faculty of Medicine established with seven lectureships. President Shidehara serves as interim dean.
Apr. 1》 Taihoku Medical School reorganized as Medical College affiliated to the TIU.
May 17》 With the various aspects of the Imperial University system in place, President Taira Shidehara presides over official inauguration.
Jul. 21》 A piece of forestry land totaling 232.8 hectares at Nokogun originally under the jurisdiction of Taichung County transferred to the university for use as a highland experimental farm.
Sep. 1》 President Shidehara retires from office.
Sep. 2》 Professor Sadanori Mita of the Faculty of Medicine succeeds Shidehara as 2nd president.
Nov.》 Former President Shidehara donates his residence in Mt. Shamao, Beitou, together with the surrounding lot totaling 1884.3 square meters, to the TIU.
Apr. 1》 The Taiwan Governor-General agrees to the reorganization of the Taihoku Hospital into a teaching hospital affiliated to the TIU.
Apr. 28》 Institute of Tropical Medicine officially set up in the TIU.
Apr. 1》 TIU Preparatory School was founded at Zhishanyan, Shilin to groom future candidates for admission into the university.
Apr 26》 President Sadanori Mita resigns, and 3rd president, Dr. Masatsugu Ando, elected by the faculty in a runoff election.
Mar. 15》 Southern Cultures Research Institute and Southern Resources Research Institute of the TIU officially established.
Mar. 31》 Faculty of Science & Agriculture divided into two: the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Agriculture.
Apr. 1》 Technical College of Agriculture and Forestry detached from the TIU to become the Taichung Senior School of Agriculture and Forestry. However, teaching was still conducted on the TIU campus.
May 28》 Faculty of Engineering formally established.
Oct. 1》 Taichung Senior School for Agriculture & Forestry relocated to Taichung.
Mar. 29》 The phytopathology lecture room of the Agricultural College was destroyed during air raids, and the various parts of the TIU were evacuated either to the suburbs of Taipei, or to central parts of Taiwan.
Mar.》 Kazuo Ando, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, took over the post as the 4th president.
Aug. 15》 After the Japanese surrender, the Nationalist Government sets up a Demobilization Education Counseling Committee and appointes Dr. Tsung-Lo Lo to take charge of the university's handover from the Japanese President, Kazuo Ando.
Nov.》 Taihoku Imperial University reorganized and renamed National Taiwan University with Dr. Tsung-Lo Lo serving as NTU's 1st president.
Prof. Tse-Hong Loh serves as 2nd president. Diploma courses in College of Medicine initiated.
Provincial College of Law and Commerce integrated into College of Law.
Prof. Chang-Kung Chuang succeeds as 3rd president.
Prof. Ssu-nien Fu succeeds as 4th president of NTU whereas Shih-liang Chien is appointed as Dean of Academic Affairs. A special temporary freshman class for returning local students and refugee mainland students established. Meanwhile, Senior Vocational School for Nurses is inauguarated.
Chinese title of University Hospital officially adopted. Diploma classes in Medicine terminated. Administrative Office of University Experimental Forest established in July in Chushan, Nantou County. The University launches its first cooperation with extramural institutions through combining Irrigation Engineering Laboratory on campus with the Central Irrigation Experiment Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. President Fu passes away on Dec. 20, and Prof. Kang-Po Shen, Dean of College of Liberal Arts, subsequently named acting president.
Prof. Shih-liang Chien, Dean of Academic Affairs, succeeds as 6th president. Graduate Institute of Tropical Medicine reorganized as Graduate Institute of Public Health.
Ministry of Education begins sending temporary students to the University. The Veterinary Hospital inaugurated.
The Chinese title of Senior Vocational School for Nurses adopted.
The University participates in the Joint University and College Entrance Examination. Military education initiated.
Extramural evening courses initiated.
Taipei Children's Mental Health Center jointly established by the College of Medicine and Taiwan Provincial Government. A three-year industrial-educational cooperation contract signed with Taiwan Sugar Company.
Senior Vocational School for Nurses stops taking new students. University Experimental Farm reorganized and renamed.
University Hospital starts taking patients covered under the Central Government Employee Insurance Plan.
Pre-university courses for overseas Chinese students launched. College of Medicine establishes Taipei Public Health Instruction Demonstration Center jointly with Health Bureau of Taiwan Provincial Government and Taipei City Government. College of Agriculture co-sponsors Navigation Survey Center with Taiwan Provincial Government and Chinese Photographic Survey Association. University Hospital starts taking Provincial Government employees covered under the Central Government Employee Insurance Plan.
Evening Division established, containing Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures, Department of Law, Department of Business Administration, and Department of Agricultural Promotion.
Pre-university courses for overseas Chinese students discontinued.
Joint projects with Academia Sinica initiated.
Joint Employment program with Academia Sinica initiated. New enrollment for Evening Division suspended.
Agriculture Exhibition Hall inaugurated. University Hospital, Shihmen Branch opens. Blood Serum Manufacturing Office, jointly operated by the University and Taiwan Provincial Government since 1951, closes.
Mathematics Research Center and Chemistry Research Center, jointly established with Academia Sinica and National Tsing Hua University, opens. Agriculture Research Center, jointly established with National Chung Hsing University and Taiwan Provincial Agricultural Laboratory, opens. Physics Research Center, jointly established with Academia Sinica and National Tsing Hua University, opens. Biology Research Center, jointly established with Academia Sinica, opens. Engineering Research Center, jointly established with Cheng Kung University and National Chiao-Tung University, opens. Language Center, jointly established with Economic Cooperation and Development Committee, Executive Yuan, opens.
University establishes comprehensive cooperation program with Michigan University.
New Evening Division system for the Departments of Foreign Languages & Literatures, Law, and Business Administration to replace the former Evening Division established. University agrees on Exchange Students Program with Nanyang University, Singapore.
University Hospital successfully completes first kidney transplant. University Song issued.
Team led by Archaeological Studies Prof. Li Chi's discovers prehistoric Old Stone Age remains at Pahsientung of Changping, Taitung. The remains are estimated to be over 10,000 years old.
Prof. Chen-Hsing Yen succeeds to presidency after President Chien takes charge of Academia Sinica.
Department of History added to Evening Division.
Department of Chinese Literature added to Evening Division.
University Newsletter Association organized. Counselor Office for Overseas Chinese and Foreign Students established.
Joint Industry Research Institute with Ching Ling Industrial Development Foundation established. College of Liberal Arts and College of Agriculture established cooperative relations with Chungnam National University and Chung-Ang University of South Korea.
Course selection computerized.
Industrial Research Institute Building inaugurated.
Committee for Campus Planning established.
President Ching-Kuo Chiang suggests that the University establish a Medical Center. University Hospital successfully separates pair of conjoined twins. Agreements on academic cooperation signed with University of Washington and Pennsylvania State University, USA.
Regulations on University Organization approved by Ministry of Education. Alumni Association Building inaugurated. Agreement on academic cooperation signed with California State University System, USA.
Administration Council approves Visiting Professorship project. Prof. Chao-Chung Yu succeeds to presidency. Memorandum on cooperation signed with University of Colorado-Boulder.
Department of Archaeology and Anthropology renamed Department of Anthropology. Agreement on scholarly exchange signed with Foreign Student Bureau, Austria.
Former NTU President Szu-Liang Chien passes away.
Prof. Sun Chen assumed presidency as 9th president of NTU. University alumnus Dr. Teng-Hui Lee elected Vice President of R.O.C. A new international conference hall constructed and named after the late NTU President Chien inaugurated. Construction of Medical Center initiated. Agreement on academic cooperation signed with University of Hawaii.
Agreements on academic cooperation signed with University of Paris, France, and Leiden University, Netherlands. Liaison Center established. University Newsletter begins publication. University Library initiates CME system.
Agreement on scholarly exchange signed with University of Washington. On-job training program and lecture series for university employees launched. Shih-Jung Chiu, Ching-Nung Tai and 75 other professors nominated as Professors Emeriti. Dr. Yuan-Che Li, alumnus of the University, wins Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
Agreements on academic cooperation signed with University of Pittsburgh, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and University of Oklahoma, USA; the University of Pavia, Italy; and University of Liege, Belgium. Agreement on science cooperation signed with Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. University Extension Center established. College of Management established, including Departments of Business Administration, Accounting, International Trade, Finance, and Graduate Institute of Business Administration.
Alumnus Dr. Teng-Hui Lee succeeds late President Ching-Kuo Chiang as President of R.O.C. upon his passing. Agreements on academic cooperation signed with Florida University System, Harvard Medical School, USA; and Université de Droit, d'Economie et des Sciences d'Aix-Marseille, France. Agreement on cooperation in post-doctoral studies signed with University of California, Berkeley. NTU celebrates 60th anniversary.
Agreements on academic cooperation signed with State University of New York at Stony Brook, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Cornell University.
Agreements on academic cooperation signed with King's College, University of London, and University of Pretoria, South Africa. Agreement on scholarly exchange foundation signed with University of Chicago. Construction of Medical Center completed.
Agreements on academic cooperation signed with Free University of Berlin, Germany; Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Hungary; and the University of Olso, Norway. Medical Center, hailed as the greatest construction enterprise undertakeu by the University, officially inaugurated. Liaison Center reorganized and renamed as International Programs and Liaison Office.
Continuing agreement of scientific cooperation signed with Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. Agreements on academic cooperation signed with University of Athens, Greece; Stanford University, USA; Munich University, Germany; University of New South Wales Australia; Macquarie University Bremen University, Germany; University of British Columbia, Canada; and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
President Sun Chen appointed as Minister of National Defense; Dr. Guang-Hsiung Kuo, Dean of Faculty, stepps in as acting President. Agreements of cooperation signed with Alberta University of Canada, Manchester University of England, and North Carolina University of USA respectively. Dr. Wei-Jao Chen, the first elected president of the University, assums office on June 22. Graduate Institutes of Linguistics, Industrial Engineering, Epidemiology, and Information Management established.
Agreements of cooperation signed with University of California, Davis; Washington University, St. Louis; and University of Melbourne, Australia.
Major parts of the new University Law passed by the Ministry of Education. Report on the Philosophy Department Incident published.
President Wei-Jao Chen re-elected to serve a second term. NTU Museums project approved. College of Electrical Engineering established. College of Law renamed College of Social Sciences, and a new College of Law established. Compensation plan for victims of Philosophy Department Incident passed.
A summary report on "The April-6 Incident Investigation" issued by internal research team.
International Programs and Liaison Office renamed Center of International Academic Exchanges.
"Ethical Guidelines of NTU Teachers" (proposed by the Committee for Preserving Teachers' Integrity) passed.
Establishment of NTU Biotechnology Research Center passed. Details of establishing NTU Extension Program passed by Ministry of Education.
President Wei-Jao Chen re-elected in May to serve a third term of presidency. College of Electrical Engineering renamed College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering converted from College of Engineering to College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. Graduate Institute of San Min Chu I renamed Graduate Institute of National Development. Establishment of "NTU Medicine Research Center" in College of Medicine passed. "Guidelines for NTU Faculty Taking Full-time/Part-time Jobs in Commercial Business Organizations or Groups" passed. "Guidelines for Establishing Committees to Settle Campus Disputes" passed. "Guidelines for Regulating the Use of Experimental Animals" passed. Establishment of Bio-diversity Research Center in College of Agriculture passed.
Academic Collaboration Agreement between NTU and Academia Sinica passed. Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Law established in College of Law. "Rules of Investigating Plagiarism in Faculty Publications" passed. Graduate Institute of Japanese Language and Literature established in College of Liberal Arts.
International Graduate Program under Collaboration Agreement between NTU and Academia Sinica passed. Plan to restructure College of Life Science launched. College of Agriculture renamed College of Bio-resources and Agriculture. Commission established to discuss the evaluation system for faculty research results.
Mar.》 Regulations governing the invitation of special guest lecturers approved at the university affairs meeting.
Aug.》 College of Life Science established.
Apr. 1》Yunlin Hospital affiliated with the Department of Health of the Executive Yuan reorganized into the Yunlin Branch of the NTU Hospital.
Jan.》 Verdict for NTU Experimental Forest land ownership registration, which was initiated in 1989, announced, verifying NTU's ownership of 32,747.31 hectares in total.
Mar.》 Promenade at the front of the main entrance reconstructed and renamed University Promenade.
Jun.》 National Taiwan University Chronicles (1928-2004) published. Gallery of NTU History inaugurated. Dr. Si-Chen Lee takes office as 10th president.
Oct.》 Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences and NTU Public Forum established.
Dec.》 NTU Visitor Center under the Secretariat Office begins operation.
Jan.》 A one-year subsidy under the government's program to develop top ranking universities and research centers was received from the Ministry of Education. Office for Arts Promotion established. A hospital affiliated to National Taipei College of Nursing reorganized into the Bei-Hu Branch of the NTU Hospital.
May》 Center for Teaching and Learning Development under the Office of Academic Affairs established.
Jul.》 Der-Tian Hall of the Department of Information Science inaugurated.
Aug.》 "Regulations governing the Appointment of Distinguished Professors" brought into effect.
Nov.》 Debut ceremony for Distinguished Alumni Awards held during University anniversary celebration.
Jan.》 Ming-Da Hall, the research building of the Department of Electrical Engineering, inaugurated.
Jun.》 All-in-English quarterly NTU Newsletter (now NTU Highlights) published.
Sep. 4》 Yong-ling Charity Foundation of Foxconn Corporation and NTU sign memorandum for a NTD 15 billion donation and cooperation project to establish a Chinese-led, world-class hospital for cancer treatment, breaking domestic and internation records for donations made to a university.
Nov.》 NTU Museums and the NTU Collected Works officially open to public.
Sep.》 NTU Freshmen Orientation Camp initiated.
Nov.》 The 80th anniversary celebration of NTU's founding was launched with the slogan "Wise at 80, Century Club Ready."
Jun.》 On Jun. 8, both Tsai Lecture Hall and Wan Tsai Research Hall of the College of Law inaugurated. On Jun. 22, Dr. Si-Chen Lee re-elected president of NTU.
Oct.》 NTU enters Times Higher Education World University Rankings Top 100 list for the first time at number 95.
Nov.》 New chemical research building, Tzi-Shueh Hall, inaugurated.
Dec.》 University-industry Cooperative R&D Building of the Chu-Bei Branch inaugurated.
May.》 Ya-Song Square inaugurated.
Jul.》 Research Center for Developmental Biology & Regeneration Medicine inaugurated.
Oct.》 North Coast Jin-Shan Hospital restructured into Jin-Shan Branch of the NTU Hospital.
Nov.》 Museum of Anthropology officially opened to public at the western hall of the former Main Library building.
Dec.》 President Lee, together with a large delegation of NTU faculty and students, traveled to Peking University to co-host NTU DAY.
Nov.》 In the first endowment of its kind in Taiwan, an agreement was reached with Fubon Financial to create the Fubon Chair Professorship.
Jun.》 Pan-Chyr Yang became the 11th president of NTU.
Aug.》 Establishment of the School of Pharmacy.
Jan.》 NTU, along with National Taiwan Normal University and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, established the NTU Triangle Alliance.
Mar.》 The NTU Triangle Alliance established with National Taiwan Normal University and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology last year evolved, under the approval of the Ministry of Education, into the NTU System. President Pan-Chyr Yang was elected as NTU System’s first president.
Aug.》NTU School of Professional and Continuing Studies renamed NTU School of Professional Education and Continuing Studies.
Jun.》NTU hosts the Annual Presidents’ Meeting 2018 of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities.
Nov.》NTU celebrates its 90th anniversary.
Jan.》Dr. Chung-Ming Kuan takes office as 12th president.
Mar.》Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the second semester of the year 2020-2021 was postponed a few weeks later to the beginning of March. From the end of March, persons without the school certificate were not allowed to enter the campus for the first time for some time.
Mar.》NTU submitted “University Social Responsibility Report” which compiles the specific efforts of campus governance, teaching, research and service for implementing the USR substantial plans.
Nov.》Launched Future NTU.
Jun.》Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the University Council and commencement ceremony are held online for the first time.
Aug.》The International College and the Graduate School of Advanced Technology are established.
Jan.》Dr. Wen-Chang Chen takes office as 13th president.